Friday, August 17, 2012

The Paper Man in the Moon

I should have made this entry before midnight... August 16 is my daughter's birthday. She turned 13! One day she had been looking to see what famous people shared her birthday. What she found instead was a listing of deaths. Elvis, Margaret Mitchell and several others.  She brought this information to me and was very concerned that her birthday was that of such sadness.

So I told her, "Yes, we have lost some wonderful, creative people on this date. But God doesn't take without giving something in return. And that's why we have YOU."  And she is wonderful and creative. I wish I could do half of what she can do. She is one super cutie patootie.

I have experienced more Blessings this week. On Tuesday I received a call from a company that I have been trying to get on with forever. They arranged for a phone interview on Wednesday and after that they had me come in on Thursday for a face-to-face. I think it went very well. I won't know for sure for another couple of weeks but I feel its promise for certain. Glory to God!

We have some nasty storms on the way and I can feel them. I am a human barometer. It has always been my dream to live on the coast but I fear the hurricane season would be too painful for me.

Saturday night my youngest daughter and I were able to see the meteor shower. It was so nice to sit out on the porch with her and listen to her chatter. A cold front had blown in on Friday so it was actually a little chilly. Then the paper man came up the drive and she started talking about how she had considered messing with the paper man. Like dressing up as Big Foot and dashing out of the woods in front of the car, then taking off across the field... I told her that I bet people had messed with the paper man before... Someday if I meet a paper delivery driver I will ask if people give them a hard time... lol.

That child has such an imagination. Just to chat with her is like a breath of fresh air.


  1. Happy Birthday to your daughter. She sounds like quite the young lady. Aren't they a blessing? My youngest is about to be 31. I have a 15 yr old granddughter. I love her dearly. She takes me back to the days of being a young mom again.. I KNOW what you mean abt being a human barometer.
    We tried to see the meteor with 2 of our youngner granddaughters last Sunday but it was too cloudy, even out in the country. :(
    Wall enjoy your weekend!

    1. thank you! I almost forgot about the meteor shower until I saw where someone mentioned it on FB.. I love them.

  2. You're so blessed to have seen the meteor shower. Wished we could have. Your daughter sounds delightful, reminds me of what a chatterbox my daughter was at that age. Now she is grown with children of her own, and grandchildren. Time sure flies by.
    Praying things work out well with that company you wrote about. Sounds promising! Take care, Tina.

    1. thank you, Barb. and i wish you many blessings also. and peace.
