Tuesday, August 14, 2012

a wise child once said....

Kennedy has been posting some status updates on her Facebook. this is tonight's:

I was thinking about my current situation.... and I realized something. I am not sad, nor scared. I am not happy either though. I just.. I am. You can't explain this feeling, not empty, but somewhat carefree. I think this is Gods way of telling me, it doesn't matter where you end up. Everything's going to be okay.


Tomorrow I have a phone interview for a position that I am very excited about. If I get this position, I could make it my forever work home. I am more than a little excited. I have a very good chance at this one. 

I had more to write about but have gone blank! oh well. It may come to be at 2 a.m.....


  1. That's God alright. He's doing that for me right now, reminding me that I don't have to be so stressed, so worried or fearful. I just have to remind myself that when I feel alone, even though surrounded by people, I'm never alone. He is always where I am- where you are too. You take care, Tina. I'm but an email away if you ever need to talk. I pray that you may experience always, the warmth of God's love- the tightness of His embrace.

    1. part of my entry is gone...lol. I had more following Kennedy's status update... oh well. and thank you Barb!!
