Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Welcome to Moon Shine. I have had several blogs since 2005 when I first discovered AOL Journals. It was a wonderful community of bloggers and writing helped me through a tough time. My best blog was Steel Mags & Hairspray. I stopped blogging not too long after the community largely migrated here, to Blogger. We lost each other and with that lost a lot of support. 

The last two years of my life have been very bad. Not as bad as some have experienced but bad for me.  I am not going to detail it all here. This blog is about moving forward. Just a little at a time. Because when I think about my past, I get depressed. When i think about my future, I get anxious. So I am working on today. 

I was looking through my old journal and if you can stand to do it with your own you will learn a lot about yourself. You may notice patterns of behavior that are detrimental to you. Now we all know the solution to bad patterns of behavior is to break that cycle. But frequently we don't even see the pattern. 

Do you ever see someone's Facebook or Twitter status and think, "Oh lord, here we go again! Martha Sue is in love and by Sunday she will be either engaged or hearbroken?" I have friends that are bipolar and/or recovering addicts. I can tell by their posts if they are off their meds, using, or engaging in behavior that may lead to said actions. But when you are the one living the situation and not merely observing it can be harder to see the outcome. I wonder what we would all see if we could get a print out of just our status updates for the last year or two? What would YOU see?


  1. Hi hon, so glad to see you blogging again. I used to follow your blog and you'd visit my HEY LET'S TALK."
    If I got a print out of just my status updates for the last year or two I'd see several things: 1- The difficult and painful situations I was confronted with. 2- The difficulty I sometimes had sharing it and being honest with myself about it...and myself.
    3- that I'd not given up.I might have gotten knocked down but never stayed down.
    4- That I finally conquered fear; realized that it only had as much power as I gave it.

  2. I hope this format works..let's see...good to see you writing though.. :-)

  3. I recently was going through my old journal as well and yes I think I did learn some things about myself. Or relearned. Thanks for inviting me here. I'm going to try and keep up. I'm still trying to learn how this whole blogger things works.
